Say Something Awesome!

Say What?

Are you making the world more awesome with the words you choose to say (and to write)? Words have the power to start wars and the power to heal broken hearts. Words can propel you to unimaginable heights or stomp on you and leave you bruised and broken. Text messages, 140-character tweets, even hashtags and likes have the power to say something awesome. 

Kid President is in the house today. I’ve invited him in to share out his list of 20 Things We Should Say More Often.

What do YOU think we should say more often?

Leave a comment so we can spread the awesomeness.



1. ALL overdue assignments must be turned in by Thursday, June 5, 2014. Mrs. Rombach needs time to grade your late work. Thursday is the absolute deadline for missing work. You know whether you turned in work or not. Be responsible and avoid the zap of a zero.

2. Be sure you’ve shared your persuasive essays with me on Google Docs. I can’t grade what I can’t see.

3. Blog post #12, the 70-point biggie, should be posted by now. Be sure to review the requirements and confirm that you’ve met all of them. See the Weekly Blogging Assignments page (at the top of this home page) if you have questions. Also, be sure to leave a comment if you wrote Blog Post #11 and #12, which are opportunities to replace existing poor grades. Remember, you have to catch up on the missing blogs AND write the two extra posts in order to earn a replacement grade (retake).

4. Our class auction is set for Wednesday, June 11th. We’ll need donations to make it awesome! When you’re out and about this week, pick up something fun (and inexpensive) to add to the auction lineup. 🙂

5. The LAST vocabulary quiz of the school year is Friday! Practice on The person with the fastest score from each block wins 10 tickets!

5. You are awesome. Just EIGHT more days together. Here’s what I say: It’s been both an honor and a pleasure to teach each and every one of you awesome, extraordinary, incredible, smart, funny, magnanimous (look it up), dedicated sixth graders. Enjoy your much-earned summer break, and be pumped to rock seventh grade. Yes, I will miss every single one of you. Come visit me next year!

🙂 Mrs. Rombach