On Friday, our class will begin an in-depth exploration of Linda Sue Park’s novel, A Long Walk to Water. This book chronicles the struggle for clean water that a large portion of the world’s population faces. As our daily read-aloud, A Long Walk to Water, will escort us into our research unit, where you’ll be tasked with identifying, researching, and promoting a social injustice in the world that matters to you.
Due Monday
(1) Over the weekend, your mission is to complete the WebQuest for A Long Walk to Water. Like our reading survey, the WebQuest is a Google document that requires you to log in using your LCPS username and password. As you progress through this challenge, I have no doubt you’ll find this story both eye-opening and heartbreaking.
While we will begin this journey in class, its completion is your responsibility. Make the time as this is a graded assignment. To complete this WebQuest, use the two-sided questionnaire handed out in class. If you need a copy, click here: Webquest Task Sheet.
Click here: A Long Walk to Water WebQuest
Due Wednesday
(2) Watch the TEDTalk featuring Ludwick Marishane. By Wednesday, leave a quality comment about how his story affected you.
Meet author Linda Sue Park and discover her inspiration for this novel.
If you had to walk a mile for a jug of water every day, as millions of people do, it’s unlikely you’d use that precious water to bathe. Young entrepreneur Ludwick Marishane tells the amazing, funny story of how he invented a cheap, clean, and convenient solution. I look forward to taking this long walk together.
Remember, leave a quality comment about how this video affected you.
I look forward to taking this long walk together.
Mrs. Rombach