Wednesday’s To Do List




We’re in the computer lab today, and you have a host of things to do in the 45 minutes we’re connected. Let’s get busy!

If you have a question, first check with your lab neighbor and see if they know the answer. If not, raise your hand. Start with the first item and work down the list.

1. Complete your 100-Word First Responders essay on Google Docs. Share with me. Check the word count to ensure that you’re at 100 words or less. Run your draft through spell check. Quietly read your essay aloud to confirm you have proper punctuation. Once you’ve done all of this, add your name to the top right corner and print it. 🙂 Deliver to me. 🙂

When done, move to item #2.

2. We’re preparing to write our Where I’m From poems. Right now, come grab a copy of George Ella Lyon’s Where I’m From poem. At your seat, read over it and underline any lines that strike a chord with you. Do you connect with any of these memories–or do they bring to mind similar items in your own life? Jot comments and questions along the poem’s border.

Once you’re read the poem, slip into a pair of headphones and watch the video of the author reading her poem. Leave a comment with your thoughts about this type of autobiographical poem. How do you feel about writing one? 🙂

When done, move to item #3.

3. Block 3/6 – All About Me PAGE. If you haven’t yet written your All About Me PAGE, do so today. Go to your blog Dashboard > Pages > New Page. Title your page: All About Me. Next, write a brief bio about yourself. Include only your first name. Introduce yourself. You might talk about your interests, the sports or activities you participate in, the musical groups or YouTubers you like, where you’d like to travel, or what you hope to write about on your blog. If you’d like to see a few examples, visit student blogs from Block 2/5 or 4/8.

Block 2/5, 3/6, and 4/8 – Blog Assignment #2 – Create your Top 10 List. Remember to include an introductory paragraph, not only the list. See any of my posts as examples.

When done, move to item #4.

4. Practice your vocabulary words on Quiz on week 9 and 10 on Friday. CLICK HERE to head to Quizlet.

5. Still have time? Start another new blog post! Insert a question or short quiz if you wish. Focus on writing today; not adding widgets. Thanks so much!

Some ideas…

a. Write a book review.

b. Write a perfectly constructed paragraph on your favorite season. Include a topic sentence, three supporting details, and a conclusion.

c. Choose any picture using CompFight (the camera icon) and write a sensory-detail-packed paragraph or a short story.

d. Write a poem about your favorite time of day.

e. Compare the setting of the book you’re reading to your hometown. How is it alike? How is it different?

Keep blogging–from home and class. 🙂 Over the holidays, I’ll be posting lots of extra activities guaranteed to be fun–and to enhance your blog. Keep an eye out for these posts while you’re on break.