The Blogtastic Summer Book Club Starts Next Week
Just two more crazy days in a classroom before summer break officially starts. With the countdown nearly complete, I wonder…what’s on your summer to-do list?
Besides digging my bare toes into the sun-bleached North Carolina beaches, I’ll be turning pages in books I’ve been dreaming about reading all year long. Next week, we (as in you and me) officially launch this blog’s Blogtastic Summer Book Club, a way to keep us reading and writing about fabulous, must-read books. (Vote for Blogtastic Book #1 at the bottom of this post.) This summer, it’s time to read for pleasure…and for the promise of a future without childhood cancer.
A Million Books for Hope – Summer Reading Challenge
Thanks to Alice, one of my students who knows all too well the tragedy of losing a young friend to cancer, I can share A Million Books for Hope read-a-thon with all of you. No matter how old we are, an adversary like cancer makes us feel helpless. Did you know that cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children and adolescents in the United States? In fact, cancer kills 7 children every day in the United States. (Source: National Cancer Institute).
How can a parent–much less a kid–do something that actually makes a difference? What if I told you that by reading books you can contribute to the cure? It’s true. Childhood cancers get shortchanged when it comes to federal funding. Grownups are working on that issue, but while they’re speaking out nationwide and lobbying Congress, we can take part in A Million Books for Hope read-a-thon. Ask your Mom or Dad, Aunt Kathy or Uncle Oakley, or MeeMaw and Grandpa to sponsor you. Whether it’s $1/per book or $5/book, 100% of proceeds go to childhood cancer research. Plus, with Barnes and Noble as A Million Books for Hope sponsor, you’ll earn a $25 gift card if you raise $250. Raise more; earn more! Prizes are detailed on the webpage. Click here to register (or just get more information).
Maybe you know someone who’s living with cancer? We at Eagle Ridge have our own hero, Gavin Rupp, #15, who lost his life to brain cancer on July 30, 2013. Only 4% of cancer funds go to childhood cancer. That needs to change. We will find a cure…one day soon.
Eagle Ridge Summer Reading Challenge
To encourage and inspire you to read as many books as possible this summer, sign up for the ERMS Summer Reading Challenge, too. Read whatever you want…and keep track of the books you’ve read. If you do, prizes are potentially in your back-to-school future.
On Tuesdays, you’ll receive a text message with book recommendations. You can read one of the recommended books…or any book that interests YOU!
Keep track of what you read.
On Sundays, you’ll get a text message as a reminder to log any book you’ve finished. Click here to log books.
Tweet about what you’re reading! #ermsreads
Instagram your books! #ermsreads
Pick a Winner…
Which book should the Blogtastic Summer Book Club read first? Click on the book cover to watch the book or movie trailer.
Vote today. Winner announced next week!
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