Hello, my favorite sixth graders!
Next Monday, you’ll start your two-week research projects. You’ll work alongside a small group of classmates to find out more information on a social issue that matters to everyone on the research team. Then, you’ll take the facts you’ve collected and turn it into your own individual project — from an animated slide show to a skit to a public service announcement. You’ll hear more about all of your options next week. For now, think about the local, national, and world issues you care about most. On the Padlet below, add your name and a social issue or two that you feel strongly about. Here are a few ideas…but you may add any issue that’s important to you!
Do you want to know more about a life-threatening disease like childhood cancer, diabetes, or cystic fibrosis and what’s being done to find a cure?
Do you worry about homeless families who lack a roof over their heads or food in their pantries?
Does animal cruelty break your heart?
Want to bring help clean water, electricity, or education to poverty-stricken countries?
Are you concerned about shrinking habitats, animal poaching, or endangered species?
Do you want to educate people about physical, emotional, or cyber bullying?
Is ocean pollution or climate change boggling your mind?
Share the causes you’re passionate about below: