Eight is great…especially when it’s the number of school days until winter break begins.
For today’s list, I present Eight Historical Figures I’d Like to Invite to Dinner. The funny thing is, my family and I spent our dinnertime tonight brainstorming a lengthy list. My son, Sean, suggested Frank Lloyd Wright, Winston Churchill, and Muhammad Ali. Cady, my high school freshman, added Nellie Bly, Dr. Seuss, Harriet Tubman, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, her historical namesake.
Some of the other names we bantered about included Martin Luther King, Jr., Einstein, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ghandi, Langston Hughes, Amelia Earhart, Marcel Marceau, Clara Barton, Mother Teresa, Cesar Chavez, Leonardo DaVinci, and Sacagawea. The list is endless!
What historical figure would you invite to dinner?
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
Depression-era Photographer Dorothea Lange
16th U.S. President Abraham Lincoln
Magician and Escape Artist Harry Houdini
Poet, Author, and Illustrator Shel Silverstein
Writer and Holocaust Victim Anne Frank
Actress Katharine Hepburn
Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks