Prefix Preview…Prepare to Prevail!




On Monday in class, you’ll design a stunningly spectacular prefix poster. I know you are quaking with excitement. 🙂

For a sneak preview of what’s to come, I’ve posted the Prefix rap video produced by Take a few minutes this weekend and watch it. Afterwards, grab a newspaper, magazine, or the book you’re reading right now and see if you can find 10 words that feature a prefix. List them here in a comment, but please insert a comma between each. As always, two tickets will be awarded to every student who follows directions and participates. Please include first name and last initial only. 🙂 Click on this link to try your luck with the Prefix and Suffix Game.

Have you signed up for Quizlet? Be sure to do so using your Google LCPS password and email. Click here to register. Search for Rombach and then select your class block.

Did you complete the Fourth Quarter Reading Survey? If not, sign into Google and wrap it up this weekend. Click here for survey.

Are you current with your blog posts? Remember, to use the optional post next week to replace a lackluster grade, you’ll need to be up-to-date with posts #5-#10. Refer to the Weekly Blogging Assignments link at the top of this page for specifics on each blog assignment.

Is your persuasive presentation ready? I’ll randomly be calling up presenters on Monday. Be ready to take a stand with reasons, evidence, and your call to action.

See you Monday!

Mrs. Rombach

P.S.- Can you spare 10 minutes to be inspired? Watch this video of a teen girl rebuilding a Pontiac Fiero. Girls rock engineering, too!



Going the Extra Mile with Book Trailers


There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.

– Roger Staubach, Dallas Cowboys Hall of Fame Quarterback

You never know what extraordinary work you’re capable of until you create it. This inspiring collection of book trailers was created by Mrs. Emerick’s Making Waves sixth graders. Mrs. Emerick visited our class blog and left a delightful end to my story. I decided to peek inside of her classroom, too, to see what her sixth graders are busy producing. I found a batch of creatively designed book trailers (produced on Animoto).

Could this be a resource you’ll tap into for your Persuasive Writing project? Do you see yourself creating a book trailer like one of these? Wait until you see the complete menu of persuasive possibilities!  No matter what format your Persuasive Writing project takes, I’ll be looking for each of you to go the extra mile.

Reach beyond what you should do. Instead, imagine what you could do. Then, identify a way to do it–brilliantly, imaginatively, and passionately. To borrow a line from Kid President, you’ve been pep talked! Now, take a walk through a gallery of kid-produced book trailers. Is there a book you’d like to read? If so, leave a comment saying so. 🙂





To be or not to be…persuaded!

Everywhere you look, someone, somewhere, is working overtime to persuade you to “buy into” their way of thinking. Maybe it’s the clothes you wear. Perhaps it’s the sugary corn pop cereal that fills your breakfast bowl or the type of smartphone you carry. We’re receiving messages constantly telling us what we absolutely can’t live without, what we should believe and why, and who deserves our attention, money, or vote. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics found that children are exposed to over 40,000 TV commercials in a year–and that doesn’t begin to take into account online advertising. 

In class, we’re exploring the art of persuasion, the ability to move others to action through a carefully crafted campaign. This weekend, your homework is to watch this video and leave an opinion as a comment. 

Answer this question:

Did the speaker’s evidence, the facts collected to support his position, change your opinion of the American food system? Take a stand and explain why you’re either siding with this future organic farmer or sticking with the status quo, the way things are now.


Next week, watch for a menu of persuasive writing projects coming your way. You’ll have the opportunity to customize your persuasive project with a variety of technology-based resources. Have a great weekend…but be sure to catch up on your blog posts and leave a comment here after watching this TED talk.

See you Monday,
