Want Comments? Leave Quality Comments! Here’s How…

This weekend, sneak off to the computer or tablet and spend a little time building your blog. Write a book review and post it. Share a favorite family  cookie recipe. Deliver game highlights. Draft a short story.
Above all, get out in the blogosphere and leave comments. Visit classrooms on my blogroll, from those within our own hallways to classrooms across the continents. Before you do, take 8-10 minutes and read this post–and then watch the video. Some students are still leaving posts that are carelessly misspelled or short on content. Always do your very best…whether it’s commenting on another student’s blog or giving your Nobel Peace prize acceptance speech.”
Today we will focus on quality comments!

Content is key!

In our class, we evaluate our blog comments. Are you leaving two-point comments?
A one-point comment is a general comment that doesn’t add very much to the post. Example: I like your blog. Please visit mine!
A two-point comment adds something to the comment conversation. Your comment might compliment the writer in a specific way or add new information. Another idea is to make a connection. Maybe the post reminds you of an experience that you’ve had. Share that connection!  Try to end your comment with a relevant question. That way, an interesting conversation can develop.
Always add your URL (your blog’s web address) to ensure that the blogger you’ve visited can click your link and easily find your blog.Here is a video Mrs. Yollis’s class made with tips to help you take your comments to the next level!
See you Monday…only five more school days before winter break!
-Mrs. Rombach