Kiss These Crazy Days Goodbye!

Last Monday was Presidents’ Day.

Tuesday was a snow day.

Wednesday was a snow day.

Thursday was a two-hour delay.

Friday school was closed due to sub zero temperatures.

On Saturday, 8-10 inches of snow fell, topped with a layer of ice.

Sunday the temperatures rose and then plummeted.

Today is Monday, and we started with a two-hour delay. Whew!


Today we’re in the computer lab–which means we’ll be working on technology-based activities.

1. Five-Minute Monday starts today. With a nod to Mrs. Haseltine, I’m adding this thrilling morning writing prompt. Today you have five minutes to write anything you want about one of these three words:

PROUD, Nervous, or Kind

The catch is…you must write for every second of the five minutes. No sitting stationary watching the pixels pixelate. Dive “write” in. So, open up a new blog post. Writers, take your mark,, get set, write….


2. You’ll have a test on Main Idea and Supporting Details on Wednesday— finally! We’ve been preparing in class for several weeks, but I think it’ll be helpful if you watch this video on the difference between Main Idea (or Central Idea) and Theme. Watch the video (with headphones on, of course). When you’re done viewing, read the question below and leave your comment on the Padlet board. 


Click here: Main Idea vs. Theme – Know the Difference

Question:  What book are you reading? In the chapter you most recently finished, what was the main idea and what was the theme? Be sure to leave your first name and last initial. Absolutely no anonymous comments permitted.

3. It’s time to evaluate your classmates’ blogs. Next week, we’ll connect with a class in Australia, and we want to be sure we’re primed for global guests. Using the evaluation form provided, check out your classmate’s blog and use the Praise, Question, and Polish techniques we’ve practiced previously in writing groups.

If you finish early, visit Australian blogger, Tessa, and leave her a quality comment. Tessa is a member of Mrs. Coffa’s class. (Click on the blue hyperlinks to go directly to their blogs. Mrs. Coffa’s blogroll includes all of her students.) Here’s a message directly from Mrs. Coffa:

Dear Mrs Rombach and students,
Hello from hot Melbourne, Australia.
Reading your post about the fun in the snow, I could not help but note the contrasts to our current weather. Although we are officially in Fall (which we call Autumn) it has been quite hot these past few days. Yesterday was 36 deg celcius (96.8F).
Our students are now 4 weeks in to their new school year and have their blogs set up and ready to roll. We are going to be participating in the Student Blogging challenge starting in March. Some of us have been blogging for a year or so, others have just started. We are 10 – 12 year olds.
Perhaps you could visit some of our blogs and introduce yourselves? We will try and do the same.

Mrs Coffa

 4. Motivated bloggers, step up for the 2015 Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge. If you’re interested in expanding your blogging know-how, pumping up visitor traffic, and connecting with students from around the globe, you are invited to register for the Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge. This is a commitment involving time and effortso only register if you’re willing to complete at least one challenge each week. We will also be participating as a single class named Mrs. Rombach’s Sixth Graders. To register as a student blogger, click here.

5. Start your research project today! Head to Google Classroom and access the Research Project Choice Board. If you’ve decided to create a slide presentation, explore the various types of creative presentations from which you can choose. There are active hyperlinks on the choice board. No matter which project you select, carefully review the requirements. You’ll want to follow each one so as to meet the expectations outlined in the grading rubric.


Questions? Talk to Mrs. Rombach anytime!

Four Must-See Destinations



“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”

Mary Ann Radmacher


This quote is etched into a porcelain mug I sip coffee from each morning, but it might as well be etched into my soul. I have serious wanderlust waiting to be unleashed. Before kids, Mike and I traveled more. As our young ones transform into young adults, we envision an after-kids life rich with exploration. On the fourth day before our holiday break, I present four of the places calling my name. I’d lace up my hiking boots in an instant if I could be any one of these places tomorrow. Should there be a sub in the classroom in the morning, you’ll know where to find me. 🙂

Counting down the days until winter break…

.Mrs. Rombach

P.S. Click on the photos to watch amazing time-lapse videos.










credit: "Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0"

credit: “Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0”


Jackson Hole, Wyoming

