Dreaming Big & Setting Goals

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” ― Yogi Berra

“If you want to live a happy life,tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” ― Albert Einstein


credit: http://blog.yvettesalva.com



Last week, we articulated our big plans for sixth grade. What did you want most to accomplish between now and June 16? What was on your to-do list? What priorities have you set? Are you determined to make new friends? Do you want to earn better grades? Are you focused on improving in a subject that left you feeling overly challenged or frustrated last year?

What are your dreams for today, tomorrow, and the rest of the year? Dreams only come true when you believe they can. Do you believe in the awesomeness that resides inside you? Do you recognize that you’re already an expert in oodles of things? You could surely teach Mrs. Rombach many things, starting with how to take a presentable selfie. (Currently, I am an epic failure in the selfie department.). The bottom line is this: I believe in each of you, and recognize the gifts you bring to my class every day. You may not love to read or write — yet — but you’re passionate about something.

What is that something? Your Wednesday night homework is to watch this TedX video (it’s less than 5 minutes long), and then tell me: What would YOU attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? From landing a difficult trick with your skateboard to someday hosting your own YouTube channel, share one goal you’ve set for yourself. It may take you 2 months or 10 years to reach that goal, but just putting it here in black and white makes it real.  Share your goal in a comment–and let me know how this video inspired you to dream big.

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” 
― Robert H. Schuller


To leave a comment, click on the blog post title, “Dreaming Big & Setting Goals.” A comment box will appear at the bottom of this page. Complete and submit. Yes, you’ll have to type in the anti-spam letters.


Next Monday, I’ll ask you to complete a Google survey on your reading and writing goals for the First Quarter. As the week progresses, contemplate what kind of goals you might set for yourself as a reader and as a writer.

Remember, study Weeks 1 & 2 vocabulary words on www.quizlet.com and be prepared for the vocabulary quiz on Friday. Also on Friday, be sure to bring your completed weekly homework sheet.

Spread happiness with your smiles and positive outlook!

Mrs. Rombach


Be a goal-oriented reader.

Photo Credit: Viviana Calderón via Compfight

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

 – Albert Einstein

“The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals, and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort.”

– Michael Jordan

Whether you’re the world’s greatest basketball player, the most brilliant scientific mind to mesmerize the universe, or a sixth grader evaluating your reading accomplishments, it’s important to set goals and work towards achieving them. Tonight, it’s time to set reading goals for the final quarter of sixth grade.

How can you stretch yourself to read more, to read differently, or to read beyond your comfort zone? Tell me…and tell yourself…what you’ve already accomplished and what’s on your to-do agenda.

To complete the Google Docs survey, you’ll need to log into your school Google account. Then, take your time to thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to every question. No erroneous responses please; tell the truth and nothing but the truth! (This is a formative assessment and will be entered into Clarity.) All responses are due by Monday, April 21, the day my daughter, Shelby, runs the Boston Marathon!

Here’s the most jubilant news of all: Spring Break starts at 3:23 pm on Friday! After that familiar bell sounds, I’ll see you on the other side of two weekends!

 Mrs. Rombach


I am still trying to figure out how to use www.bitstrips.com, but here’s my first attempt. I’m not sure why it says “By Null.” 🙂